How to Network Like an Extrovert (Even if You’re Shy)

My colleagues at Mac’s List and I share a singular interest: we enjoy going to receptions, association lunches and other public events and talking to strangers… lots and lots of them. We recognize that many people have a different feeling about meeting and chatting up new people. Plenty of people don’t like to network because… Read more »

The Power of Saying “Yes” in Your Job Search

I spent this past Saturday talking to students at the Northwest Returnee Conference on Education Abroad (NWRC), a conference for college students who have recently returned from studying or interning abroad. I have always been passionate about education and international travel, so when an event combines my two favorite topics you can imagine my excitement. I’ve… Read more »

A Recruiter’s Guide to Winning a Job Interview

I work as a recruiter—my job is to find and hire the right people for different organizations. This job has given me a unique insight into the interview process—what works, what doesn’t, and how jobseekers can make a great, hire-this-person-right-now impression. I want to help you land the job of your dreams, so here are… Read more »

Are You Making These 8 Job Search Mistakes?

Job-hunting is like any other skill: it takes time and practice to master and we’re all going to make a few mistakes along the way. Here are eight local job search mistakes I’ve seen applicants make that we all can avoid. 1. Applying everywhere You need clear job search goals, especially in a competitive market… Read more »

Stick to Your Interview Talking Points

In preparing for a recent job interview, I made a list of all the reasons why I was a good fit for the job based on the job description. I then brainstormed my attributes or experiences to support each point. No matter what happened, I was determined to deliver each point on my list. I… Read more »

10 Tips for How to Write a Cover Letter

As a recruiter, I’ve read thousands and thousands of cover letters. I’ll be honest… most of them aren’t very good. What happens to applications with bad cover letters? They end up being tossed. Applicants often make the same basic mistake with their cover letter; they use it simply to rehash the same skills and experiences… Read more »

Want to Impress In the Job Interview? Respect the Receptionist!

What matters most to employers when they review resumes or interview job candidates? I asked several human resources director Lynette Hansen to share her top tips for job hunters: Be prepared for common interview questions Some interview questions are so common, so ubiquitous, that there’s no excuse for not having a well thought-out answer. Here are the… Read more »

How to Beat Boomer Bias in Your Job Search

We can say that age is relative or just a state of mind. But many baby boomer job seekers know the reality of age bias against workforce veterans. They have experienced their relevance as a vital job candidate having a direct correlation to their age. So how can the 50+ job seeker mitigate an interviewer’s… Read more »

How I Found a Job in Portland

Portland isn’t the easiest place to find a job. Even when the economy is good, the demand for good jobs regularly outpaces the supply. For those of you adamant on finding work in this amazing city, I know it can be done. I did it in 2009 when unemployment in Oregon was at its highest… Read more »

New to Portland? Here are 4 Tips to Find a Job

Oregon has always attracted newcomers. We’re well past the era of the Oregon Trail, and the post-Portlandia boom affected Oregon’s population growth for many years. If you’re moving to Porltand, you’ll need to land a job. And why not start off on the right foot by building a strong network and going after a job… Read more »

Networking Tips for Professional Conferences

Taking part in professional work conferences–either as a participant or a presenter– is vital to your career. These events help you stay up-to-date on the latest developments in your field and give you an opportunity to improve your skills. Professional conferences can also play an important role in a job search, whether you’re currently looking… Read more »

How to Shine in Your New Job

I’ve write a lot about hiring and how to do a skillful job search. But what happens once you land your new position? What kind of skills help you thrive in your role? This was the question posted to me recently by Kelley Hungerford who, as an intern from Linfield College, wrote the Mac’s List newsletter in… Read more »

Expert Advice for Your Mid-Career Resume

As a job seeker, sometimes you need a hug, some TLC and the one-on-one attention of someone who can help you navigate today’s challenging job market. Other times? It’s a hearty dose of tough love that’ll most effectively shove you into a more productive, fulfilling direction. Here are three tips for those crafting (or retooling)… Read more »

How to Find The Right People for Informational Interviews

I have written before about the importance of informational interview skills in a local job search in Portland or any other city. There’s no better way to learn what employers want, uncover unadvertised jobs, and grow your professional network. Once you know you have your job goal and know the professional field you want to explore,… Read more »

LinkedIn: Link Up or Lose Out in Your Job Search

In a recent survey by Jobvite of more than 1,000 human resources and recruiting professionals, 92 percent of respondents said they use social media for recruiting. Even more important, 87 percent use LinkedIn to find the right candidate. The lesson here? If you’re not on LinkedIn you’re missing a huge opportunity. Recruiters simply can’t find you. But… Read more »

6 Tips for Your Next Informational Interview

We all know that only a fraction of available jobs are ever advertised on job boards or the newspaper classifieds. But how do you tap this hidden job market? The answer is simple.  You need to talk to people. Lots of people. Particularly people outside of your existing network of friends, family and colleagues. Networking is… Read more »

Why You Should Send a Thank You Note After an Interview

The Mac’s List team regularly follows up with organizations who post jobs on our website. We like to know how local employers are finding qualified candidates. We also ask what these organizations are looking for in prospective employees and job applicants. We once got a response from Tammy Minnick, former executive operations and human resources manager… Read more »