Ignite Your Professional Bio with a Killer First Sentence, with Mike Russell

Most professional bios are stale and boring; they’re about as fun to read as the thesaurus. If you include a lame professional bio in your resume or cover letter, you’re almost begging the hiring manager to not read your application!
To really capture a hiring manager’s attention you need an amazing introduction that makes them want to learn more. On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Mike Russell, owner of Pivotal Writing, shares how to hook prospective employers with a bold and provocative first sentence.
Portland loves quirky, colorful personalities, from “Keep Portland Weird” to “Keep Portland Beered” to “Keep Portland Beard”. Hiring managers are no different. So don’t be afraid to launch your personal bio with a bit of flair! Explain why you’re amazing. Be confident and bold, even if it feels edgy.
If you can tie how you’re unique talents to the employer’s fundamental needs, you’ll have hiring managers hooked!
Mac Prichard:
This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, have the career you want, and make a difference in life. I’m Mac Prichard, your host and publisher of Mac’s List. On today’s bonus episode, we’re sharing exclusive content from our new book, Land Your Dream Job in Portland and Beyond.
Land Your Dream Job in Portland and Beyond compiles all of our best jobs search tips and career management tools into one simple easy to read guide. It’s the definitive toolkit for anyone looking for meaningful work. The book cost will include special contributions from array of job search experts and today you’ll hear from one of them. Here’s Mike Russell, owner of Pivotal Writing, reading his contribution, How to Ignite Your Professional Bio With a Killer First Sentence.
Mike Russell:
How to Ignite Your Professional Bio With a Killer First Sentence by Mike Russel. Portland loves quirky, colorful personality. Whether it’s a bio statement on your website or your summary on LinkedIn, it had better start strong. Here’s how to hook your readers attention with that first sentence.
Be brazenly honest. What do you do better than anyone else? How have you stood apart from your coworkers or competitors in the past? Clarify your target reader. Envision your favorite client or employer and write to him or her. Since Portland loves to network, you may even be able to find a particular targets photo on LinkedIn. Think of him or her while you write. Lead with your primary benefit. With so much going on in our beautiful city, it’s easy for readers attention to wander. Lead by answering their fundamental question, “What’s in it for me?” Once you’ve hooked interest, you can elaborate on whom you serve best, how, and why.
Here are some examples. Rebecca the small business lawyer. Rebecca Watkins of Columbia Council ensures her small business clients receive the best outcome for their legal needs and the best advice for their money. Paul the chiropractor. Paul Allen of Catalyst Chiropractic fosters focus, pain relief, and stress reduction for people plagued by chronic discomfort. Sarah the life coach. If Olympians, presidents, and CEOs rely on advisers, mentors, and teachers to succeed, don’t you deserve a coach to help you unlock your full potential? Sarah Strauss, certified life coach with achievement today will help you overcome self limiting beliefs.
Say it loud and proud. This city prides itself on individualism and creativity. Assert your place in the community with confidence, even if it feels edgy. Portland wants to hear from you.
Mac Prichard:
If you’re looking for more expert advice and insider tips like what you just heard, checkout Land Your Dream Job in Portland and Beyond. You’ll find everything you need to get a great job, whether you’re in Portland, Oregon, Portland, Maine, or anywhere in between. The 2016 edition includes new content and for the first time ever, it’s available in paperback, as well as in an array of e-reading devices, including Kindle, Nook, and iBooks. For more information on Land Your Dream Job in Portland and Beyond, visit macslist.org/book.