The Top Career Podcasts of 2017

We listen to a lot of podcasts here at Mac’s List. Maybe too many podcasts.
Why do we like the podcast medium so much? Because the best podcasts make you feel like you’re eavesdropping on a great conversation between smart people who know a subject inside and out. The insights you get by listening to these shows can help you learn a lot.
We hope our show, Find Your Dream Job, has helped you in your search for new, meaningful work. We’re proud to be part of a small community of career-related podcasters, using the medium to help people find the job of their dreams.
On this bonus episode, we share a new resource to introduce you to this community of great podcasts: The Top Career Podcasts of 2017.
Mac Prichard:
Hi. This is Mac, from Mac’s List. Before we start the show, I want to let you know about my new book, Land Your Dream Job Anywhere. I’ve been helping job seekers find meaningful, well-paying work since 2001; and now, I’ve put all my best advice into one easy-to-use guide. My book shows you how to make your resume stand out in a stack of applications, where you can find the hidden jobs that never get posted, and what you need to do to ace your next job interview. Get the first chapter now for free. Visit
This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, find a career you want, and make a difference in life. I’m Mac Prichard, founder and publisher of Mac’s List.
On today’s bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, I want to tell you about a new resource we created here at Mac’s List: it’s a guide to The Top Career Podcasts of 2017.
Let me tell you something about myself: I’m a big fan of podcasts. And not just my own show, Find Your Dream Job. I listen to all kinds of programs for entertainment, education, and inspiration.
My favorite podcasts make me feel like I’m eavesdropping on a great conversation between smart people who know a subject inside and out. The insights I get by listening to these kind of shows have helped me learn so many new personal and professional skills.
And it’s why I started this show back in 2015. I wanted to share with you, the Mac’s List community, the best advice from experts everywhere on job hunting and career management.
I’m not the only career podcaster out there. As I listen to more and more shows about job hunting and careers I see how much expertise exists out there.
That’s why I created my new guide, Top Career Podcasts of 2017. I want job seekers like you to listen and learn from these great resources!
I’ve identified 47 shows for the Top Career Podcasts list. There’s a mix of show formats and styles, but every program focuses on looking for work.
For each podcast on the list, I tell you what the show is about, along with information about the hosts, how often they publish new shows, and the length of each episode.
To get your free copy of Top Career Podcasts of 2017, visit Discover all the shows that can help you find a great job and build the career you want.
Again, that URL is
Have I missed a podcast about careers that you like? Email me at and we will include it in next year’s guide.
I hope you enjoy this free resource and thanks for listening!