How @Twitter Can Help You Get #Hired

I’ll be honest… When I first started using Twitter, I didn’t entirely know what I was doing. I could tell this was a powerful networking tool, but I hadn’t yet learned how to harness its power.

I’ve since discovered how to use Twitter as an awesome tool for a job search. Let me show you how…

Here was my very first tweet, from way back in 2008:

Mac's first Tweet.

No responses. No retweets. No likes. #SadMac

Eight years later, I’ve learned how to make the most of Twitter—especially as a job search tool. In Lesson 3 of my free online course, How to Wow and Woo Employers Online, I share everything I’ve learned.

You see, Twitter is more than just following celebrities and commenting on the #weather. Next to LinkedIn, it is one of the best platforms for finding work.

Here’s why:

1. It’s where everyone posts their jobs.

According to one estimate, 92% of employers use Twitter to promote their job openings. Check out how many job-related tweets I found over just the last 24 hours…

Job-related tweets over one 24-hour period

2. It’s the easiest way to connect with key influencers.

Finding meaningful work is all about networking. Twitter makes it amazingly easy to find and build a relationship with professionals who can help advance your career.

What starts with a simple follow or retweet can blossom into an influential professional connection.

3. It positions you as a polished professional.

Following a few best practices on Twitter can reinforce your personal brand as a competent, informed, and engaged professional—the kind of employee organizations most want.

Plus, your Twitter activity ranks very highly on Google, making it one of the first things a prospective employer will learn about you.

See also  LinkedIn: Link Up or Lose Out in Your Job Search

Of course, there’s a lot of noise on Twitter—a near-overwhelming amount of content to sift through. It can be hard to find the opportunities and people who are most important to your job search.

In Lesson 3 of How to Wow and Woo Employers Online, I’ll show you how you can quickly build a strong Twitter presence, and connect with the opportunities most relevant to your needs.

You’ll learn:

  • Why everyone (EVERYONE!) should be on Twitter.
  • How to use Twitter to start connecting with industry professionals and employers.
  • How you to use hashtags and advanced search features to find unique job listings.

If you need some help upping your social media game, I encourage you to check out How to Wow and Woo Employers Online!