Nonprofit Association of Washington

Mac’s List is a proud business member of Nonprofit Association of Washington. Members receive a $15 discount on the purchase of a single job posting with a limit of one per customer. (Visit the Nonprofit Association of Washington member resources page for your discount code.)
As the state association for all nonprofits, Nonprofit Association of Washington makes sure nonprofits have what they need to succeed through learning, advocacy, and collaboration. We envision a strong, united nonprofit sector that is a valued partner in creating thriving communities across Washington.
Nonprofit Association of Washington helps nonprofits learn what they need to know to achieve their mission. It increases their influence with policymakers and philanthropy so that they have a place at the table when decisions are made. It connects nonprofits to people and resources so that they can focus on getting the job done.
Nonprofit Association of Washington was founded in 2010 by a dedicated board working in partnership with philanthropy. Together these leaders recognize the importance of having an association watching the backs of nonprofits of all sizes across our vast state during a time of economic change. Nonprofit Association of Washington continues to be inspired by our belief that nonprofits represent our democracy in action as people come together to make a difference.
- Nonprofit Association of Washington is Washington’s state association, a powerful connector of people within communities, across communities, and statewide. We are a proud member of the National Council of Nonprofits.
- Nonprofit Association of Washington is a learning organization inside and out, delivering high quality education to nonprofits while learning from them what it is going to take to improve the system in which they work.
- Nonprofit Association of Washington connects other organizations with a mission of serving nonprofits, filling gaps and piloting new programs in ways that expands reach and innovation.
- Nonprofit Association of Washington is inspired by our values to be generous, connective, and transformative.
Nonprofit Association of Washington delivers on our mission through three main, integrated initiatives: learning programs, public policy, and engagement. Many of our state’s most effective nonprofits are members of Washington Nonprofits. Together we make sure nonprofits have what they need to succeed.