Mac's List

Ageism is real.
It's time to fight back.

64% of workers report that they have seen or experienced age discrimination in the workplace. Learn how to overcome any barriers related to your age.

Because of laws and the fear of legal liability, employers will never ask you about your age. That doesn't mean it isn't a major factor in hiring decisions. 

Employers have preconceptions—some reasonable, most not—about older professionals. When concerns about age aren’t addressed in the open, they become even bigger barriers to being hired.

That’s why we encourage older job seekers to embrace their age, rather than run from it. Proactively broaching the topic allows you to address the employer’s unspoken concerns and diffuse age as a consideration in the hiring decision.

This free guide, Fighting Ageism in a Job Interview, is a primer on how to approach the taboo topic of age with employers. 

You'll learn the objections employers may have about older candidates, and proven strategies for overcoming these barriers.

Download your copy of Fighting Ageism in a Job Interview today and learn how to win your next interview, no matter how old you are!

fight ageism in a job interview

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